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Designed by world-class, award-winning executive coaches

We are all primarily driven by one of four unique cognitive energy sources - how we like to think!

LEP associates these four energies with parts of the body - a common language to ensure learning is memorable and quickly understood. Whilst it uncovers a preferred thinking energy, it doesn't 'pigeonhole' or stereotype the user. It's clear that everyone has all four energies and that, with practice, we can learn to dial up and dial down these energies.

The power this gives individuals can be remarkable - empowering them to greatly improve or change the way they think and therefore how they behave, communicate and lead.

How does it work?

Everyone has a combination of these four cognitive energies. One will be dominant (the Leading Energy) and one will be weakest (the Reluctant Energy). Both will reveal certain characteristics that are apparent to those around us.




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Beware the dark side

What happens when our Leading Energy is overloaded (we use it too much) or clashes with another persons Leading Energy? Being aware of these situations and learning to recognise and manage them is essential to effective communication. We explore these in detail and develop strategies for managing them in our interactive workshops.

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Energy overload

Energy Overload

When pressure and stress begin to rise, we can rely too much on our Leading Energy which becomes excessive and overplayed. We think we're becoming more effective - those around us think the opposite!

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Energy breaker

Energy Breakers

Think of that person who pushes your buttons and never fails to frustrate you. This is very likely because their energies are the opposite to yours, causing it to break (and so they probably dread meetings with you too!).

Based on over 50 years of validated research, Leading Energy Profile was designed not by academics, but by world-class, award-winning executive coaches.

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We are not our behaviour

Leading Energy Profile® looks at the 'why' (thinking energy), as opposed to the 'what' (behaviour). Too often we react to others based purely on their behaviour, without considering the thinking and therefore motivation behind the behaviour.

If we wish to change, adapt or modify an element of our behaviour, then we first need to understand what's behind the behaviour - what's driving it. Our Leading Energy will therefore often determine why different people will react differently to the same event or situation.

Understanding this about ourselves and developing the skill to read this in others, can lead to transformational change in how we interact, influence, communicate and lead.